Sandpebble Beige, love it or hater it?

I love this color as the mid-twenties version of myself. I was going to paint my car the same color, I still may. No quarter-life crisis colors for me.

Color choice depends a little on the reception to others, but more on what you like. I prefer classy, refined colors because it looks better, cleaner, and isn't stereotypical; not to mention in the end it garners more respect.

Especially if your under 35.

Every time I see some young gun riding around in a bright car colored car, I laugh a little on the inside, because I can see the childish attention getting behavior. The wrong attention: cops, thieves, insurance premiums, lowlifes, etc. gets attracted.

Keep it underplayed, our body style isn't one that you see every day, and there is no need to club people over the head with it. Bright colors not done tastefully come off as a desperate "look at me i'm awesome!???" instead of being Awesome. With a capital 'A'. Big difference.

Stand out by blending in. It's a zen thing...

Just my .02.

Good luck.

I agree. These cars don't need high impact colors to stand out. Tasteful accents make all the difference.