Selling a car seems to be so difficult!!
If you just walk by the car, at first glance it looks beautiful. Worth every penny of the $6500. Once you start looking at the rust and all that, the price drops considerably. Especially for a beak car.
Think about what your bottom dollar would be for the car and then price it $500-1000 more than that. Lets say you had it up for $6500 obo but in your mind you would take $4500. If I was willing to pay the $4500, I'd offer it up and you might say lets meet in the middle at $5500. In order for me to pay $4500, I'd have to make an insulting initial offer of $3500 and then we'd haggle until we stopped at my top dollar and your bottom dollar. A lot of guys aren't going to insult you with an offer of 50% of your asking price.