Idiots invading my space!!!!!

Another things that I hate to see are the people who leave the shopping carts in the middle of the parking lot! They roll around and the wind blows them into parked cars. They are too lazy to put them in the collection area. I watched a lady empty her cart and she watched it roll away, gather speed and roll right into the side of someone's car. It was late at night and the store was almost closed. There were very few cars in the lot so it was almost sureal to watch this unfold. She saw me wafching and I pretended to write her plate number down. She drove up to me and was ANGRY with me! She said " I have a baby with me, how was I supposed to bring the cart back?" I told her, put your groceries in the car, push the cart back to the right spot, pick your child up, push cart into the cart in front of you, walk back to car, put child in car seat...........she went back and left a note on the guys car. Some people should just take the bus.