Sooo frustrated after going through hell for my Drivers License they screwed me

Hey Ramone don't let these commies get you down . Beat them at their own game.
Go down to 26th n Kalifornia and pick up a sombrero along with a Dirty Sanchez mustache! Then go get yourself one a them ma"trick"ula consular ID's and I'll bet Rahmbo will have the red carpeting waiting for you down at the DMV .

And when they pass the Shamnesty bill can start a new life as Senior Ramone Sanchez !!

Not sure if Ramone Sanchez will work because he's a chef on the TV show Chopped! Ha! If it does than maybe you can assume his identity and be sitting pretty! Sounds like they are really puttin you through the wringer. The people trying to get their life back on track or the extreamly hard working folk are the ones the government FU$&S.