Idiots invading my space!!!!!

Thats when I wish I drove a piece of ****. I would just keep banging the door against theirs. Same goes for the assholes that cut you off while driving, again wish I had a p.o.s. land yacht and plow them right off the road. People have no respect. They are too busy talking,texting whatever. Another time wifey and I went to walmart around 2 am and were just leaving to go home and this guy and his 2 sons were heading into the store. I overheard the kids talking about throwing paintballs at the pepsi machine. We got to the truck and found these 2 little bastards threw them at my truck. I went off. I started back in to find the manager and he came out and I explained to him what happened and he told me there is nothing they could do. Well next I went and hunted down that dad and his little bastards. In the meantime my wife is telling me lets go. I was 2 pissed to leave. I found the dad and asked what the fuckin problem was with his kids. He stood there shocked. I continued to belittle him and told him he needs to put his foot up their asses and pay attention to what they are doing. He started to stutter an apology and he would pay for it to be cleaned. I told him that he needed to teach his kids some respect called him an asshole and walked out. You know if that was mine 2 sons my foot would be buried in their asses and they would have to go to hospital to have them surgically removed. I took it right to carwash and got it off.