1972 formal black 340 duster "survivor"

After going through all the pictures I must admit that this is a collectors dream car. The originality is great all everything is so well preservee. I enjoy to all the liitle details. Dave, when you are collecting info like this you are making history!

Congrats to you for the catch of the year

Ulf you couldn't be more correct....for so long these A- Bodies have been brushed aside in favor of their bigger brother's with bigger engines and their sexy body lines...the day as come for the lil brother to stand up and get noticed for what it really is, a compact muscle car with a potent power to weight ratio that has surprised even it's bigger brother's on more than several occasions....:burnout:We are at the beginning of a documenting process that is long overdue in my opinion....these cars are 40+ years old now and original examples are elusive to say the least. The what? Where? When & How questions need to be answered before they are gone forever. I am glad to do my part as is Tim and others who recognize the need. Now, On to more pictures!!:cheers: