Winter coming, need advice for this newbie...

Care to explain why when I would leave the bike battery in the cold over the winter it was only good for one season yet when I stored it inside I would get several out of them?

I don't really care about a battery. I care about being able to start the car when I need to, and I care about the condensation around the battery that rusts out the tray and fenderwell. That's not big problem in many places - but here we can go from the 20s to the 60s in the same day, and the parts get so wet they just drip with condensation. It rains inside my portable The battery gets soaked, and the water washes the acid vapor residue down the sides, onto the tray. That's why I remove it much more than battery life.
On the heat -too much heat will harm a battery. My garage is 65°. I don't leave it on the wood
Constant cold - above freezing temps - slows the chemical reaction that produces energy. That's why the plates and acid last longer in the cold and why cold cranking amps are important in terms of a battery rating. But once you get below freezing - expecially with small batteries like tractors and bikes - the electrolite can contain frozen water, which totally kills the checmial reaction and it cannot be "fixed". Every try to charge a batterythat completely froze? They never take a good charge. That's why. I pull my lawn tractor battery and the battery from my trialer brakes and stick them on a shelf. If I owned a bike I'd pull that too.