sb alum heads edel vs indy

the runners or breathers indy intake 179 eddy"s 171 indy took over the rhs pattern on jan 1st starting about 475 hsp if i can afford to do all this and hoping mabee near 600 if i feel nt or need in 3 or 4 years raced sleds and moto x till i had a nasty crash in 85 broke back and neck 3 times have 1 nasty sled left i ride 1nce a year just to scare myself back into the luv of adrenalin put it back away and wanna do it in a str8 line in my 65 barracuda but trying to keep it on at leasst 1 wheel luv my cars theres just so much knowlage on here i try to go back to trust old school knowlage than very expensive trial and earer just want to take my barracuda to the 10 second bracket then get it to 10 as i figure this out any help or combo"s apriciated going from a 340 /727/8 3/4-3:91 to a 408 and go from there if i can start at 525 hp 480 ft,pnd at rear wheels awsome im on the way had 1 heart attack 2 augest ago and recoverd now its time to go lets gettr done and leaving my grand daughter 1 sweet little red 65 barracuda she calls srawberry she turns 6 on thanks giving and luvs all old cars and car shows