My 63 valiant repaired from my accident with plastic honda.

Looks good. I'm surprised they didn't total it considering they weigh what the car is worth on what the car is worth and it looks like it was hit pretty hard.

they were going to total it but the car has been in the family all 50years of its life my grandfather gave the car to my dad for his high school car and my dad gave it to me in high school.
my grandfather was also the kaiser steel mill foreman here when the mill was where fontana speedway is. the car still has a employ sticker to get into the mill and drive right into the mill this valiant was the only car allowed into the mill. I've been trying to find a vintage kaiser steel sticker but i can't find one... it is green with the steel emblem on it ill post a picture.

has alot of history and sentimental value to total it just wouldn't be the same getting another one. but i agree the damage was worth well over what the car was worth i got about 4200 for damages.