Anyone have extremely stupid neighbors?

Lol i know this is a long post but i couldnt belive what i saw.. The reason i got out from under the car so damn fast was.... That he didnt use bolts.. Get this.. He used self tapping screw's along with long galvanized screw's with puny little 1"x1" wood on the otherside to hold (some) of the 50 or so screws... Now i live in the freaken ghetto and thought i had seen it all.. I was so freaking wrong hahaha. It amazed me on how stupid he actually is.. (hes okie) too, but never have i seen this before... He siad ill give you a ride and i gave him my bugeyed face.. Later I even (politely) told him he was gonna have to fix that, or never give anyone a ride.. He got so pissed, because he was pretty sure it was "heavy duty" , and that i was full of chit.. It got to the point of where he was name calling, mopar bashing, my car is better than yours chit, etc I let him know if he ever unleashed his full 250 horses of pure 302 power it would all blow to smitherines.. Has anyone else seen or heard of stuff ike this??