Anyone have extremely stupid neighbors?
Hey! My other neighbor, my highschool friend, has an african grey,(hes a good neighbor) he bough it down the street for 80 bucks. I was amazed and called him an idiot for telling me he purchased it for that ammount, sure enough he proved me wrong and told the man standing by a store if it was true or not -__- theyre extremely smart birds if i might say his mimicks gunshots lol..I dunno the entertainment this guy puts on usually leads to something breaking.. Me and my dad made a deck of redwood for the front porch, had it all done, and stained ... The same guy comes over and walks all over the new stained wood saying "damn! It came out pretty good!" me and my dad turned back slowly, i watched as my dad exploded lol.. Another time he walks in our house after the carpet just got done, (right before we moved in) no vents over the holes in the ground, he walks by and slam! He falls into the heater/ac duct , which later me and my dad had to replace..