Anyone have extremely stupid neighbors?
I live in "the ghetto"(horrible apartments) and i have plenty of stupid neighbors.
The guy above me occasionally plays his music real loud, gets drunk and passes out so it plays for hours on end. One time on his patio i gave up and after yelling "hey A$$hole wake, you dumb bleep bleep bleep" and threw some coins at him. Still stayed on for a few more hours.
And had two nasty ghetto crack-whores on my apt's opposing side that played music. 1st visit was "hey, i'm your neighbor and i've got a huge test tomorrow, can you turn it down please"(music turned up)...2nd visit "I asked nicely, what the bleep is your problem?"(turned down for 5 minutes, turned back up) 3rd time....thought better of it. Went to study at a friends and Reported their asses. Then i did so every time they started the music and got them evicted.