Anyone have extremely stupid neighbors?
Lol yeah that guys amazing i thought so too, i thought his work was ingenious.. :D ..... 74dart360, maybe i should start clarifying, whatever it is i write that you read, i sandblasted the chrome off.. They were new and given to me, but i wanted them to match my block (burnt copper metallic) i dont like chrome too much lol.... yeah he wont listen, ive lost fingers to count with, after telling him (politely) to do things right, after he said he doesnt like to "mickey mouse" stuff on his car.... Which i dont get at all lol... Like the muffler guy that told him to get his car the hell out of his shop, for obvious reasons.. He told him he couldnt have one of his workers killed from a falling engine and transmission... and now i get it lol.. My neighbor says" see people like him dont like working, they dont appreciate hotrodding" which left me further in my "what the f*** just happened" mode....