Once apon a time a farmer bought a brand new 1970 from a dealer for his sons 18th birthday. his son drove it for a while and got into a fender bender (drinking) and his dad parked it in a field nd pulled the keys. so my grandfather kept seeing this car for a long time and finally stopped and asked about it. so when my grandpa got it home he tinkered with it but never did much. ( i was about 6 years old).... well time went by (im 18 now) and i got the car. i was cleaning the interior out nd found somthing i think is interesting. the build sheet says it has a police engine?? and it says it had pillar lights.. but no holes from mounting it?? it says a bunch of stuff ( i will try and load pictures later as i have to go to work LOL. but what i think is interesting is there is no writing on the build sheet at all... every picture i find of build sheets has writing. but not this one. CAN SOMEONE TELL ME WHAT I HAVE????:burnout: