The cost of a piece of metal in your eye.
I've paid close to $300 twice for metal in my eye. I was grinding under the car wearing safety glasses with side shields and a sliver bounced around the edge of the glasses into my eye. So, I went to the optometrist and he removed it with a bill nearly $300.00. Just about two weeks later than my first visit and only a couple of days after my follow up visit I was working under my car in the street and a huge gust of wind blew stuff into my eyes. Several hours later my eye was still really bothering so I went in and asked my wife if there was something in my eye. She asked if I had been grinding again as there was another piece of metal in there. So I went back to the optometrist and said, "I'm back!" and shelled out another $300. The good news is there was no real damage to my eye and I have learned to wear goggles whenever I'm doing anything as the glasses just don't keep stuff out of your eyes!