Still no power - story
Just got my power back last night. by sunday everyone around our road had power and there was no trees or wires down anymore in our area. We were thinking WTF!? Then my family called lipa a bunch of times and that night the power finally came back on!! If there is no wires down or trees screwing anything up, call lipa a bunch of times until they fix it.
I think in my situation they thought the power was fine in my area meanwhile my stretch of road was out. Calling made them aware of the issue. At least that is what I am thinking.
The gas shortage is nonsensical. Half the problem is all these morons driving around wasting their gas looking for gas when they don't need gas! I also heard a rumor that one of the big giant gas tanks was full but they couldn't distribute it to the gas stations because they had no ethanol to mix it with!! what BS is that!
Then to top it all off now we have a storm of heavy wet snow taking power out once again. These circumstances are insane!
All I can say is hang in there.