Which branch should I join?
I think it really all depends on what kind of a person you are. I'm currently serving in the Air Force but I think if I had it over to again I would have gone Army. Not for some macho gotta kill someone BS but because I think it would've fit with my personallity better. In the end it is your choice. But I will say this, if you're serious about being an officer consider going enlisted first and going to Officer Training School. It gives you a perspective you don't get coming right out of the academy. All the best officers I've known have been prior enlisted. Yes the Air Force is a little cushier but it's also more political then the other branches. Don't listen to the ONE person who advised you to stay out and go to college. Obviously this was the wrong thread for him to be on. The military will pay for your college and you get to hold your head up in pride and say you served your country when others wouldn't. Anyhow sorry for being so long winded. Just my 2c.