Ground wires
Battery negative post to block.
Head to fire wall.
Headlight sockets to front sheet metal via black wire.
All ignition devices such as voltage regulator, electronic spark control, and alternator cases have to be electrically the same as negative battery post with no voltage drop. If there is some voltage drop between these devices run a ground loop of #12 wire with eyes connected to one mounting screw of each device, and back to negative battery post. These four steps will assure proper grounding for you’re a body.
All connections have to be shinny clean free of paint, and rust, and I would put a little dab of dielectric grease under each connection to keep out corrosion.
If after correcting all major ground paths, engine still does not start, than there is a problem with one or more of the components including coil, ESC, and wiring connecting all the ignition components. You have to print out a wire diagram for your car, and systematically trace and test each wire until the problem is detected.
Often the best place to start looking is a section that was disturbed during the engine work, or a spot that may have been pinched.
Also the dreaded bulkhead connector and fusible link are likely suspects, disconnect each section of bulkhead connector, clean the brass spade connectors, dab with dielectric grease, and snap back together making sure that each individual spade fully mates.
Oh did the rotor button get put back on???? And, check that distributor is not 180 degrees out.