My heat sucks

When both hoses are hot you should be getting plenty of flow. Temperature drop across a heat exchanger for both sides tells the story. Those hoses on an engine at normal temp should be so hot you cannot put your hand on 'em for long. If both hoses are substantially hotter than the air output, then it's not water flow as a problem.

i know what you are saying, and it sounds good in theory .. i dont want to come off as a jerk, but i do this everyday and is my career. i said this comment out of personal experience, matter of fact i just worked on a truck that had no warm airflow from vents. both hoses at the core were hot as hell, removed inlet hose and found hot coolant just sitting there. removed water pump and found the impeller freespinning on the shaft ... vehicle never overheated ! there goes your no flow but hot hoses ... heat will transfer through fluid ....