My heat sucks

i know what you are saying, and it sounds good in theory .. i dont want to come off as a jerk, but i do this everyday and is my career. i said this comment out of personal experience, matter of fact i just worked on a truck that had no warm airflow from vents. both hoses at the core were hot as hell, removed inlet hose and found hot coolant just sitting there. removed water pump and found the impeller freespinning on the shaft ... vehicle never overheated ! there goes your no flow but hot hoses ... heat will transfer through fluid ....

That's real funny, because the three vehicles I've found (in my lifetime) with rusted/ busted pump impellers were not producing any heat in the heater AND the hoses were not getting hot. "Warm" maybe.

You must have the magic truck, because what you describe goes against all theory of heat exchangers. For the record, I worked in the HVAC industry for about 12 years, and liquid -- to liquid and liquid - to air heat exchangers were 'part of the deal.'

Is it possible that the hoses were heating up from the exhaust manifold radiated heat?