TD Canada Trust Bank stole from me - what would you do?

I have been banker for 36 years and believe me TD does not want this situation to go without being corrected. I did not work for TD, but believe me banks want to do the right thing by their customers. Without customers, banks or any busines cannot exist.

You have options. They have admitted their mistake and you deserve restituiton.

Full premiums paid plus interest chardged +a reasonable amount of interest you could have earned had you invested the premiuns paid plus interest charged in an investment at a reasonable rate today ( Ing bank at 2% to a stock investment at 12%, so say an average of 7% ) and you would be in a realistic range. Most banks would offer alittle more to show good faith.

Speak to the bank managerno results than ask to speak to the VP (bank manager`s boss), if no luck the bank`s ombudsman and finally the Fed`s ombudsman. The manager never want`s it to go beyond him or her in an instance such as this. PM me if you want some more help. You deserve better than this and TD really would like the opportunity to fix this.