1966 Barracuda Speeding Ticket
And to add to my post count. Your 1st mistake was to lie to the officer and tell him you were only doing 45 that just pissed him off so he wrote you full tilt.
And he might have even padded it to piss you off in return, lol
Get it...real speed 60, you say un un it was 45 so he wrote you up for 75, lol
And if that is the case, the cop might well be decent with you once in court
I blew a .07 long ago after being stop for 3 over the limit....cop hold the button forever but it would not go over .07 and he shook the machine...his partner goes "want do you want to do" he goes, give me one for speed...I was like, now hold on...I had 11 points on my license and you lost it at 12 or more points. He order me back to my car-which I went and comes back with a 10 over, 2 point ticket.
So I had to get a lawyer and go to court and pray I won't lose my license. They all talked behind closed doors without me and comes out and says, well cop will not dismiss the ticket but the court will hold it for 6 months and then report it and by then 2 points will be off your record.
I did drive extra careful-I went 5 under everywhere and 6 months came and I believe I was down to 8 points, 9 months came and more points came off but still that ticket wasn't reported....the ticket never came up on my record, that freaken cop lied again and I guess he did dismiss that 10 over ticket but left me in the dark about it, ha ha..my lawyer lied to me as well.
I did clean up my act and stop drinking, that .07 scared the heck out of me...so maybe it was good what happen and later-a few years later, I seen that officer name in the local paper getting a reward for risking his life to save a person from a burning car...that is when I check my record and still no ticket years later and then it all made sense