Anyone Collect HOT WHEELS or Matchbox MOPAR Cars??

I too have WAY too much of this stuff!
Hey, I was in second grade when Hot Wheels came out.
I have a small collection of early redlines.
First year stuff, before they became diluted. Real cars, not trash trucks and stupid fantasy stuff. 1968&9.
Some matchbox and Corgi also.
To me Hot Wheels were the ****! Big tires, Cragars, headers, duals, blown Hemis.
Well 25 years and my own child later, I find myself in Toy'R'Us frequently and always gravitating you know where...
One here, one there, only "real" race and rod type stuff... then I realize "Hey! I have most of this years first edition cars"...
You know what that leads to...Having to buy all the ones I really didn't want, to make a set!
Then Johnny Lightning comes out with "Show Stoppers", all the famous wheelstanders of the '60s & '70s.
Of course I have to buy dupes of everything, ones to "play" with and display, and ones to put away.
Of course then you try to meet the real owners and drivers at events and have them autograph the still carded ones...
Amazing what an unhappy marriage does to us.
Well ,I gave up on that 6years ago and moved out...In that time I've only very selectively bought maybe another 30 or 40 cars.
I have 7 20gallon tubs of "carded" cars, and numerous carrying cases of cars to display, as well as many of the diorama/display type sets with the much higher quality cars.
Really a whole lot of fun when you end up moving 2 or 3 times in 5 or 6 years...
Just remember, it's a slippery slope!
( and really! I'm not "that" bitter... Hey, I still have all my ****!)