Anyone Collect HOT WHEELS or Matchbox MOPAR Cars??

i only have the ones that belong to my 2 year old (i know, great excuse)

when he was first born i had a little contest with the kids in my sundayschool class
for several weeks i gave them verses to memorize and for each verse they knew i put a hotwheels car in a plano tackle box with their name on it
the boxes were mounted on the wall so that the cars would function as bar graphs and whoever knew the most verses at the end got to keep ALL his cars
every one else got to pick thier favorite out of thier bar and my boy got the rest

one of the coolest ones my boy has is a 67 GTX
i liked that one so much i replicated it in a 1/25 scale model
(the wheels are porsche and the graphics i created on the computer and printed on decal paper myself)