72 Dart Swinger in junk yard, made an offer on it(Lots of pictures)

And the sad thing is, some guy was probably trying to sell it for $1000-1500, and got nothing but lowball offers and gave up and scrapped it.

been there
i had a 95 mitsubishi mirage once
all i wanted was 600 bucks to get it out off my driveway

i got so sick of not selling it i decided to sell it in parts...cleared over 2K on it
best part of it was a kid who came up from indiana to buy the tranny
while we loaded up the tranny i asked him if his had gone out
he replied he was converting his auto to a stickshift and needed the tranny for that

i handed him a ratched and said, you need 150 bucks more worth of parts, you need the tunnel, the shifter, the pedal assembly and the brake booster :cheers:

that was a good sale