Time For a rebuild
Well its been a month + since I have posted any updates. Reason being I have not had any hahaha. Life has been to busy with my first baby being born and insulating and cleaning and arranging the garage. I have been itching to get back at it and yesterday I was finally able to. First was to tackle the steering column, as it was rebuilt but I was having a problem with the shaft sliding inside the housings. After working on it all day reassembling putting it back in the car it had the same problem and I wanted to take a sledge hammer to it. After dinner and a few beers I came on fabo and asked about the problem and did some searching. I found out what I thought was the problem with the help of members here and today went out and tried some stuff and now its fixed. I have a few changes I need to make on the alterkation install and then I can continue on the build.