We took the carb off and raised the jet sizes 5 sizes on both primaries and secondaries because the A/F ratio was really lean (14.5-16:1) at full throttle (No meth injection.)
That gave us 82s in the primaries and 97s in the secondaries.
I know that seems rich, but the A/F ratio was so lean (sometimes 16:1) we just wanted to fix that...
We ran out of time for a real world test because upon re-assembly, unbeknownst to us, the primary float had hung (at the bottom) on the power valve bracket (not enough free room when it's on the bottom of the float bowl) which made it unable to close the needle in its seat. This floods\ed the foat bowl and squirted gasoline, verticlly, out the vent tube.
We'll try again tomorrow.