anyone degree their cam?

In short degreeing a cam doesnt "gain" hp per se, it just ensures that your gettting the hp you should

With machine quality not the best these days, the cam or timing related parts,sprockets and chains. There is a real lack of quality control to trust that what the cam manufacture recommends as a center line degree position, it is always a part of cam installation that should be done. First to make sure it is installed at the recommended c-line and in cases where you what to change this number. i almost always install a cam 4 degrees advanced.


Put a few in that dot to dot were 10 retarded. Chain/sprockets were a mess. Cams get cut wrong sometimes.

Just degree it the first time and you can eliminate one potential issue if it doesn't run correctly.

Some cams I'll install as much as 8 advanced depending on the engine/comp ratio/cam.