another Great Member alert ! "mitch340Duster"

This is just unbelivable....For the second time in 2 days I recieve a package, this time from "mitch340Duster". Now I have never met this member before, even though he lives about and hour or so from me, and a few nights ago, he was on here asking for some help with some pic.s of an AVS which I provided for him. No big deal. We got to messageing one another, and he asked if there was anything I was looking for ( parts) and I told him I was on the lookout for a 727 inspection shield. He said he was going to see a guy that had a bunch of parts, and he would check. I did not hear back from him for a couple days. Well today in the mail a package shows up with a really nice inspection shield ! This member is awsome! He went out of his way to find me a part, and ship it to me, so Mitch if your reading this THANKYOU! ( hopefully you get my PM too! ) and I'm still looking for the parts you need. The gift of giving is alive and well here on FABO with some really great members!