are things really that overpriced these days?

thing is this is NS were they spread salt like no tomorrow and there is salt in the air; the topside is re-painted; wonder what the underside looks like and what it looked like before paint

Just because someone throws out a price, means it market value gospel. Look at the goofs on Craigslist posting junk for $5,000+ who are so lazy they don't move the crap stacked on filthy 4 door beaters with flat tires that hasn't run in years.

I agree on many of these so called "rust-free" cars listed in the rust belt areas with no mention they came from California, the Southwest, etc. Most people have no clue what 'rust-free' really is. In so many cases they are patched up rust buckets and most never escaped some level of prior collision damage in it's 40+ years.

At least this is a complete driver you can assess the quality of and negotiate what you think is a fair market price. If it's not, walk.