anyone recomend descent leakdown tester?

Another thing i forgot to add, about my pcv system, I have the pcv valve on the passenger rear valve cover and then a breather on the front of the passenger side valve cover then on the drivers side rear cover i have that hole completly plugged off because my brake booster is huge and there isnt enough room to put a breather there, but i found an oil cap/breather that i put on the drivers side front part of the valve cover, it works as the oil cap but it also has a breather built into it.
So now i have breathers on the front of each valve cover then the pcv valve on the passenger rear side of the passenger valve cover then on the drivers side rear of the vlave cover i have it plugged off because of the huge brake booster.
My question is now that i have two breathers incorporated into the crankcase ventalation system am i ok to run it this way? because i nwas told i had to have a breather on the opposite side of the pcv, well i have two breathers now and a pcv valve so i'm hoping thats enough, and also hoping that takes care of my smoking upon de-acceleration problem as well, altho that vaccum leak very well coul of been causing that as well correct?