Elelctric cars are boring right??

I'd love one. We can have the best of both worlds. Non-polluting .

"Non polluting."

Just where is it "non polluting?" You have a solar array in your backyard to recharge the batteries? Frankly, I doubt it.

So the re-charge power has to come from SOMEWHERE

And just what are you gonna do with all those batteries when they need replaced? And no cop--out. You can't claim "by then I'll trade it off." You have only passed the problem on to someone else.

Nobody has yet to convince me that hybrids/ electrics are much better than anything else WHEN YOU add up the end to end enviromental and natural resources cost of them.

So this includes not only the very same costs as a gasoline car, but now we must also add the electric motors, controllers, and BATTERIES

The projected life of these by the Pree *** people is pure bullshit. Simply compare supposed batttery life of one of these to ANY consumer product you own, your laptop, I--thing, phone, or DSLR/ video cam. These batteries don't work so well after 3-4 years, do they? Replacement batteries for my Canon DSLR are EXPENSIVE.

I cannot imagine that replacing a Pree-*** or any other battery pack in one of these in XX? years would be financially worthwhile.

Meanwhile, we charge them up from a coal fired power plant and convince ourselves it's "clean."