**Post your in Trunk Battery and Fuel Cell Pics**

Lookin good spaz!

Thanks man.

It's not high dollar but it works just fine.

I would have liked to do leather or vinyl but it turned out pretty decent.

I am currently running a summit electric pump and I have a Jegs electric pump as a spare in case I burn one out.

The Jegs pump came in handy when my super quiet Holley HP-125 ( which I loved) burned out after 6 months of use at a car show while moving from one spot to another.....that was embarrassing, but it impressed a lot of the guys at the show when I whipped out a spare pump and had it running again in a few minutes.

My advice is always carry a spare pump and the tools to fix it.... at least a cheap back up that will get you home since we all can't afford to carry a spare aero motive pump.

I'm considering a mechanical pump but they have their issues too.

Now if I just had room for a spare tire...LOL.