73' B3 340 Duster pro touring build

I've read mixed reviews on different forums, and taking them with a grain of salt...I mean it's just wiring and each one is marked to where it goes...regardless of who's kit it is where's the difficultity from one to the other. I'm not looking forward to wiring but it really can't be rocket science. And since I'm starting without any factory components to tie into I think and hope all goes smooth. Hopefully I can give a good review once I'm done. I can't wait till you start on the Dart again...looking forward to the progress and pics, incredible work.:thumbrig::thumbrig:

Hate may be to strong a word for how I feel about wiring but its close! I went with a Painless kit on my Demon and it really was pretty painless. I also tied in an Ididitinc remote pushbutton start into the mix since I have a keyless flaming river column and a very nice stereo system for some cruising tunes. It took me some time to go over everything and make sure I knew what I was doing before I went wild with side cutters :)
Like you I had nothing factory to tie into so I would guess that makes it much better. I hid all my MSD up under the dash, so with that and the battery in the trunk it really cleaned up the engine bay.
Looking forward to seeing more updates,,,Merry Christmas!