Arthroscopic Knee Surgery

I had it done a few years ago, and I really didn't have that much pain. As was previously mentioned, I don't think I took any of my pain pills either. In fact, the most pain I had was when they removed the staples. I couldn't drive for about a week because the bandaging really restricted movement. I wasn't employed at the time, so that wasn't a factor, but even if I had been I don't think I would have been out of work that long. Maybe a day or so.

One thing about the surgery that really surprised me was that when I woke up, I had a really sore throat. Apparently after they knocked me out, they had put some sort of medical device down my throat to make sure my airway stayed open during the surgery. I didn't know they were going to do this as it was never discussed pre-op, and it took a couple days for the pain to fade. So if your throat hurts when you wake up, don't be surprised and don't worry about it. If any other orifice hurts, however, I think I would be concerned... Just my .02. :D:D:D