What One Car (doesn't have to be a Mopar) Turned You Into A Gearhead?

I've seen similar threads here but, hopefully, this one is just a little different.
What one single car pushed you over the edge? And it doesn't have to be a Mopar because some of us took a bit of time to find our way.

Here's mine:
I was 14 years old and had been building models of ships, planes, and cars for several years. Both my parents worked for the school district and were off for Spring break. The school district had just got a couple of new cars for driver's education use (do they still do that today in public schools?) that needed broken in so we took a little trip over what used to be called "Easter Vacation" and drove up to Sequoia National Park. One day we stopped at the general store in Giant Village and I literally got stopped in my tracks by the cover of the April '63 Hot Rod Magazine. The McMullen Roadster was the feature car on the cover.
That was the very first car magazine I ever bought and the iconic '32 Ford roadster was what did it for me.

View attachment McMullen.jpg

Although I started admiring Mopars and their drag racing accomplishments shortly after, it took me six more years before I finally owned my first Mopar: a very slightly used '69 340 Swinger. I've been infected with Mopar fever ever since, even though I tried to break away for a few years, but relapsed again just before I sold my '83 Hurst Olds that I'd owned for 24 years so I could buy and build a '69 Dart project.

Now, what one car turned you into a certified gearhead?