Manual Steering Box...assistance needed...

Here's the manual reference for an idea on what you are doing.
You don't need the fancy tools because you aren't going to take out the bearing races.
Your's probably are good. We aren't talking high speed here.
You can get the "torques" by feel close enough.
Clean it up before you take it apart.
The seals just pop out in the normal fashing with a screwdriver or whatever.
It mentions things like a "shim". It should have been "shimed" at the factory so no change there.
You'll find it.
The fancy tool for keeping the sector shaft needles in place is not needed.
But DO be careful removing it and those needles. I use a super magnet pick up tool to get them out of the grease. Put them back in the same race they came out just because.......
Some rumor has it that some units have a bushing in place of the needle bearing. But I haven't found one like that yet.
It says don't take the ball rack apart (That's an "assembly" and those screws don't want to move anyway) But you can slosh it in mineral spirts, move it around, use compressed air.
Just don't let it "run" on the worm. Once the grease gets cleaned out, it will if you let it.
Pack the unit full of Mobile Syn. grease. All you an get in it.
When you re-assemble it, pack grease on one side of the ball rack and move it to pack it on the other side.
Notice that is actually say "do not use gear oil".
But that's what people put in rather than doing this.
I've done serveral have driven one car cross county and back. I put 74 miles a day on it.

Oh, and nothing wrong with keeping the manual steering. It will never leak or need a belt. Let's say what a good one the Chrylser one is.
Saves weight. Back in the day, people thought power steering was "modern: and fancy. And momma liked it. Power is nice, but I don't think an A body really needs it.