Help! Slow Battery Discharge

Not to start an agruement, but i have to disagree with this. If a battery is idle for 2 weeks and will not start the vehicle something is wrong. 2 weeks is not a long time for a battery to not see a charge, especially if there is nothing draining it. Unless we are talking about a battery with many years of life on it, and at that point its probably in need of replacing anyway .. just my 2 cents ! ..

I agree. And in a 65, it should not take all that long to find. There just isn't all that much IN one of em, and you are USUALLY NOT dealing with anything which is switched with the key. This leaves out the ignition, voltage regulator, and any switched accessories.

GENERALLY only those things which are not through the IGN switch will cause this problem. The only exception would be a bad ignition switch. Now really, how long does it take to reach up in there and yank the connector off the switch?

If the draw does not go away with the switch connector unhooked, the switch and "all that stuff" downstream are of no concern.

Hell, my old Landcruiser used to sit sometimes for TWO MONTHS at a time. I ran an electric pump, jump in, let the pump run, pump the gas about 4 times, and away it went. This rig variously had a 360, 340, and 318