almost lost my finger yesterday

Ok. Now that I've seem the pics. Let me add this.
It didn't sound like the ring was the cause of the injury.
But I see the doctor removing a ring, right?
Years ago I worked with a fellow who was climbing on stock shelves.
He slipped and his Georgia Tech ring and finger stayed on the top shelf.
The bones seperated at the second joint but the skin came off at the knuckle. He walked around with the hand grafted to his chest to get sking to cover the nub.
I do not wear a ring at all. I would suggest that if you have a "physical" job requiring climbing or working on machinery, tell your wife you love her but want to keep your fingers.

Aside from that story, I was tired, hungry and in a hurry to finish a job.
I was doing everything wrong with the table saw.
I severed the distal end of my right thumb almost completly at the joint.
Fortunatly, it lived.
I knew better. Be careful out there.