whats the most strangest thing you have seen in public

I once helped an older lady from church who needed help to set up a display for a church function in another town. She was wearing a hat with like wax fruits and veggies on it, and a white robe, some fake flowers,supposed to be mother earth. You get the picture. If this wasn't bad enough, on the way home out in the middle of the country there was a small RV parked off to the side of the road. From a ways back I could see there were people standing around. As we neared them I could see that they were all extremely well dressed. A wedding party. And they were all drunk. One of the girls had her dress around her waist and her panties around her ankles, and was squating in the middle of the road taking a leak. A couple of the guys had it hanging out squirting into the ditch. I saying keep going, keep going, but no. She has to stop and ask if everything is ok, and do they need help, and are they broke down, and my husband has a tow truck, blah, blah, blah, and I am slowly sinking into the seat. Finally they convince her they are ok and we drive away. They are dying with laughter.