Best CFM carb for a 416????

Mshred - I'm not jumping all over him. I have a lot of respect for his work, and that 408 is a great example. However, IMO, the OP's engine is only reeally similar in terms of iron block LA based... Therefore the results he got on the one that was referred to - is a poor comparison. That's what I meant by "it won't mean ****". Sorry if that shut down the thread.

Moper, maybe I misread it, my apologies...It's just not all that often we have builders posting dyno tests and changes anymore, reputable builders at that..There is a ton to be learned from that build, especially the fact that most of it may not apply to the OP's build, which is one of the great things about tests like that- evaluating what was used and whether it would work for what you are doing. I'll leave that to Brian though since he is the expert

Like I said, I for one LOVE when builders like Brian post up their proven results and explain changes they made and how they affected power/curves...Discussion and questioning of the results are great, but if people are trying to disprove things, those builders will stop posting what they find. After all, they are doing US a favor in allowing us to see what certain combos will produce