73' B3 340 Duster pro touring build

So my Dad and his friend drive 300+ miles each way today with Cash and a trailer to buy this car, and once they agree on a price and my dad says "do you know a notary to get the Title transfered" and then and only then after the seller (Bob) knew he was driving all that way says " I can't find the title". Now if I have been trying to sell a car for the past 3 months I think that would rank sort of high on the list of priorities of things to get or you might have mentioned it in one of there phone conversations. Just thought I would pass this on (since the seller likes to forget to mention this) in case anyone out there is interested in this project Maybe that's why deals keep falling through, l trying real hard not to bash someone but, after $200+ in gas and toll roads not to mention 12 hours + driving, my 67 year old Dad is not in the best mood.