opinions wanted; car sales gone bad

Again this is true, but not the issue I see. The issue I see is the question of whether or not the car was misrepresented, and like I said, seems to me this may be the case here, from my perspective.

I could be totally wrong. Or not. Still waiting for the OP to answer my question and plead his case...

Why get it inspected if he wasn't selling an "inspected" car?"

i completely see what you are saying. but if it were me in that situation, and i knew absolutely nothing about cars and the seller *guaranteed* it would pass inspection, regardless of what the seller told me, i would tell them that either you let me take it to someone i trust to look it over first or put it in writing that this car will pass a visual and mechanical inspection within an alloted time, or find another sucker.

all the courts see is documentation. if you sign an "as is" bill of sale without any other stipulations , you are screwed.

people have to protect themselves, so many cases get thrown out of court because they dont take the initiative to cover their asses. people get burned all the time because they simply take people for their "word" instead of taking a couple easy steps.