Project 6-71 340 Demon

Jack, You have to have your heads O-ringed and reciever grooves cut into the deck surfaces of your block, in order to use copper head gaskets. But they never fail. With hi-RPM and/or with boost, the head will physically lift causing issues with any type of head gasket, EXCEPT for copper head gaskets with O-ringed heads and receiver grooves.

I run 6PSI of boost with upto a 150 shot of N20 and will bury the tach at 8,000RPM's... So I tend to push things to the extreem.

Check out SCE gaskets websites tech page on copper head gaskets.

Thanks for the heads up on the copper gaskets. I had not read that anywhere.

I don't plan on spinning my engine to 8,000. Maybe 6500 tops. LOL
