Mopar Dreams

ok, now i know i really have issues....i am even dreaming this stuff now ....well i have been for some time now..

i have a lot of dreams of either driving....most of the time with someone unlikely in the car with me. most of the time i dream that my mom is in the car with me, which is impossible bcoz she lives in a different country and has never been to the US nor is she likely too. other times im with ppl i dont know or never seen in real, yet feels like i know them in the dream.

dreams are kinda sketchy anyway. on a few occasions i was with certain FABO members cruising and talking ....a lot of times i was driving a red 69 superbee which is odd bcoz i dont have one of those and never have.

most mopar dreams include being at salvage yards which i have never seen in dream stands out in my memory bcoz i was a slavage yard and found a 70 Satellite four door,and in the dream the car was some kind of special edition model which dont exist in real but it captivated me in the dream and i was argueing in my head with myself as to what it was.

last night i had a an odd dream......again in a salvage yard setting.....i was with a FABO member (you know who you are LOL) and we were searching through a ton of GM stuff and stumbled on a 70 charger. and it was in a typical rural salvage yard setting like the kind you find out here in the western states surrounded by miles of prarie.

dreams are so strange bcoz they dont often make sense but when you wake up it feels so real and i can go on and on for pages in detail.

Please tell me im not a Girl Interupted and not the only one who wakes up from mopar dream land. have you had any mopar dreams lately?