WhiteHouse Petition

I knopw I dion't have posts here but that's because I own a '67 Charger and hang out on the B bodies site. But Iwanted to repost this here as well.

I'm not sure how many of you are familiar with the White House Petition website and it's activities. I have recently started a petition, if for no other reason than a peace of mind that I have spoklen my voice to the administration, to hold Congress and the President accountable for spending. The way I see it, if I wrote bad checks and expected my grandchildren who aren't even here yet to pay the bill, I'd go to jail. That's exactly what I'm asking for. No, I don't expect for Congress to pass such a law or for our President to agree since they are both at fault, but I want a voice in their own forum. I need to reach 150 signatures before they will release the petition to the masses. I have posted a link below to get to 150. You may have to copy and paste it. Feel free to share it.

