
Doug, one the things you have to remember is people are people. And people do stupid things. Most of 'em aren't even aware of most of the things that come out of their mouths.

The old engage mouth, leave brain in neutral thing.

Agreed, but there are those who simply follow the teachings of the Bible. I can honestly say my Dad was one of them.

I don't care how hard anyone tried you could not get him to speak ill of anyone. He truly "practiced" what he "preached".

I don't care how many times someone would beguile, ridicule or otherwise insult him, he would simply turn the other cheek, I saw it many times growing up and as an adult. I never saw him get angry, disappointed sometimes, but never angry. I wish I had the fortitude to be more like him.

I guess my point is a "true" Christian or otherwise believer will follow their beliefs 100%, 100% of the time. It truly takes a special person to do that.