Let's be honest about the holiday season

This was the best Christmas I have had in decades. What made it special??
Doing things that matter. I am 49 years old and have never been to church in
my whole life until this month. My girl friend and I decided to bring
the magic and spirit back to our busy lives. We went to Christmas mass
and found that special feeling missing all these years. We donated
to the local food bank on 3 occasions this month, we donated to the
church coffers during the service. I donated a large turkey to the youth
center for a Christmas meal. I even decided to volunteer next Christmas
at the Salvation Army soup kitchen. I've had a good life and now it's time
to give back and make a difference to less fortunate. It's sound corny
but as I get older things that use to seem so important aren't so important
any more. My 83 year old father has had a few health issues this past year and he is still with us,
I am so grateful for that,I used that to motivate myself to be a better person.

Ontario Canada


This guy gets it!!