Please send Prayers for fellow Friend/FABO Member

keep heading in the right direction because no one here will give up on praying for you and hoping for a speedy recovery .including me . i understand the quitting smoking part as well i want to badly but my wife smokes like chimney and when i told her we were quitting it lasted about 3 days before she drove me so nuts i was either gonna start drinking start smoking again or commit myself . needless to say i started again but i went from 1- 1 1/2 packs down to 1/2 a pack . i get a pack before i go to work in the morning take 10 out lock the rest in the car climb in my semi and go . when they are gone theyre gone until the next day when i grab the other 10 . my wife is a lil different she goes through 2-3 packs a day and if she doesnt have em look out its wwIII at home lol