My first car.

Thank you all. I, for one, am a solid believer in "If you want it done right, do it yourself or be prepared to pay out the nose for it". I currently live in a nice studio and my woman gets the only parking spot we get (because she has a job and I don't) and I don't really have access to a garage let alone a flat piece of land to work on my car. But really, I'm only getting someone else to do the bodywork because I don't want to do it. I check on them constantly and make sure they are doing what I would consider awesome (I have some strange high standards). I will be doing all of the other work after the body work and paint job.

I called the shop owner earlier today and they are closed till next week. The shop is up in Marysville so it's about a 40+ minute drive just to see my car. I've had so many years to figure out what color to paint it and I still can't decide. I could go original deep sherwood green but there's this other green that is really catching my attention lately and it's a little nerdy but - it's my gaming mouse's paint job!

I will definitely put up a complete picture filled post of what I do over the next couple months even though after this last bit for the paint job (and Christmas!) - I'm all but broke. Living off my small interest payments that are a little more than what I need to pay the bills. Need to find myself a part time jerb...